TaiJi Workshop at OSLO Parkour Park

This Thursday there will be a free three hour workshop as an introduction to TaiJi (Chen style). This is in association with OSLO Parkour Park. So go to their Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/osloparkourpark to find out where it is and how to get there!

Taiji is a movement discipline that’s been practiced in China for centuries. It consists of slow controlled movements and exercises to strengthen your life force and energy. It is the perfect baseline for any other movement discipline as it gives you the necessary strength, balance and control to avoid injuries and stay healthy and energised way into your old age. This Chen style of taiji in particular is perfect for those who have a lot of movement experience and wish to gain mastery and strength in every move. Though there is no requirement of experience to participate in the workshop as the exercises can be adapted to any level and any age.

All over 18’s welcome to come along, we look forward to seeing you there!

Come along: 27.02.2020, 16:00 – 19:00.

Happy New Year!

Beginners TaiJi Added!
We have added the downloadable PDFs for the Winter & Spring terms 2020 beginners TaiJi courses.
Go to the Courses page to see them!

Special New Year Offers!
We have added special offers for the Winter & Spring terms 2020 courses.
Go to the Courses page to see them!

TaiJi in the Park

Join Shifu Yan Fei for free this Sunday (6.10.2019) in Frognerparken, Oslo for TaiJi. Regular members of the TaiJi class will be there. Anybody is welcome to come along, join in or just watch. It is a big park but if you know the main gates, we will be to the left of these, near the Lincoln Statue. Come along!

Happy New Year!

We wish you all a happy and healthy 2019.

We will continue with new elements in our courses as we did last year when we stated Kung Fu fan.
In the Spring course for TaiJi we wish to add TaiJi sword!
We hope that all of our TaiJi students will take part in this exciting new skill!
See you all soon!

Seminar in The Netherlands

Sunday 11.11.2018 at Brummen, The Netherlands. Shifu Yan Fei was invited by China Sports & Culture to give a KungFu fan seminar. A great day was had by all! See our Facebook page for photos and more posts!

The full fan form video can be found on the Videos section, have a look!

Shifu Yan Fei hopes to do more seminars around Europe in the future. If your team, school or business is interested, please contact us!